Department of Food Quality Control, Laboratory of Eritrea, Eritrea
Research Article
Reference Intervals of Complete Blood Count in Healthy Adult Eritreans
Author(s): Ahmed O Noury*, Omer A. Musa, Elmuiz Gasmalbari, Barakat M Bakhit, Eyasu H Tesfamariam, Danie Abraha, Zekarias B Ghebre, Omer Suleman, Efrem G Tesfay and Filmon G Hailezghi
Background: Blood count is the most commonly prescribed biological examination in general medical practice. The reference intervals of the hematological parameters of this examination are critical for clinical orientations and therapeutic decisions. Because there are racial, ethnic, and geographical differences in complete blood count (CBC) reference intervals (RIs), population-specific RIs must be established. The goals of this study were to identify hematological reference ranges in healthy adult Eritreans.
Method: 942 healthy Eritreans between 18 and 60 years old were included, 331 males and 611 females by use of a DXH500 analyzer. The venous blood sample was collected in a tube containing EDTA anticoagulant for the blood tests. SPSS version 25 statistical software was used for data analysis, P value<0.05 was considered significant. A .. View More»