Department of Biology Pharmacy, University of Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, 45363, Indonesia
Review Article
Paclitaxel?A Drug Successfully Developed from Natural Sources as Breast Cancer Therapy
Author(s): Eri Amalia*, Tina Rostinawati, Yo ppi Iskandar, Iyan Sopyan, Sr iwidodo Sriwidodo, An is Yohana Chaerunisaa and Muhaimin Muhaimin
Background: The discovery of breast cancer drugs is continuously conducted through both
computational and exploration of natural derivatives to obtain highly selective promising compounds
with fewer adverse effects. Despite the difficulties experienced, six naturally derived drugs including
paclitaxel have been successfully, continuously developed and approved for breast cancer
therapy. Learning for its research would give insight on conducting similar research.
Methods: This article reviewed paclitaxel development stages, including different research types and
outcomes, as well as current developments of the drug from reliable sources including science direct,
pubmed, WHO, FDA, EMC, and PDB websites using the keywords “paclitaxel”, “IC50 paclitaxel” and
“paclitaxel encapsulation&rd.. View More»