Pharmaceutical Department, Shaanxi Province People’s Hospital, China
Research Article
A Study on Implementation of Inpatient Treatment by DRG-Based Reimbursement Model in China
Author(s): Huan Han, Maksim Semenov*, Ruifang Hao, Dong Liang, Suyun Yong, Xingang Wei, Nan Zhou and Peng Zhang
Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the influence of DRG-based hospital payment system approach on implementation of inpatient treatment.
Methods: This study was largely based on retrospective analysis of DRG-based hospital payment data from third class hospital for the period of October 2021 to February 2022 including determination of diagnosis groups with most significant balance of payment loss and corresponding departments, development of pathways to DRG-based inpatient treatment, pre-checking of prescriptions, in process education of clinical pharmacists and case follow up, comments and penalty measures. The rational drug use, drug income proportion and DRG-related medical services capability assessment (manageable number of DRGs, CMI, average hospital stay, time consumption index and resource consumption index) of departments with lo.. View More»