Infection Control and Prevention Unit, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Affiliated with the Hebrew University- Hadasah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel, Israel
Research Article
Structured Observations and Interventions by Infection Control Practitioners: A One Year Prospective Study
Author(s): Puah Kopuit*, Liora Bier, Channa Smadga, Samar Abu-Gush, Ruth David, Tova Shraga, Ilana Dery, Elisheva Levine, Amos M. Yinnon and Shmuel Benenson
Background: One major responsibility of Infection Control and Prevention (ICP) Practitioners is rounding through in-patient departments, observing and providing feedback.
Aim: To facilitate structured observation and intervention, we adopted detailed checklists for eight major ICP targets.
Methods: Data were entered daily and analyzed quarterly for an entire year (July 2021-June 2022).
1. Screening for CRE was performed on admission in 224 patients and weekly in 180 patients, constituting 85% and 86%, respectively, of all candidates who should have been screened.
2. Seven aspects of urinary catheter management were evaluated in 452 patients, of which 2 were adequate (>99% adherence).
3. Cleaning was assessed with the ATP test. Of a total of 308 ob.. View More»