Department of Medicine, Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, San Juan, Trinidad and Tobago
Case Report
Two Cases of a Rare Condition: Pulmonary Langerhans Cells Histiocytosis
Author(s): Hugh Jacobs* and W Chin Soo
Pulmonary Langerhans’ Cell Histiocytosis (PLCH) is an unusual cystic lung disease that is also characterized by extrapulmonary manifestations. The current review discusses the presenting features and relevant diagnostic testing and treatment options for PLCH in the context of a clinical case. While the focus of the present article is adult PLCH and its pulmonary manifestations, it is important for clinicians to distinguish the adult and pediatric forms of the disease, as well as to be alert for possible extrapulmonary complications. A major theme of the current series of articles on rare lung diseases has been the translation of insights gained from fundamental research to the clinic. Accordingly, the understanding of dendritic cell biology in this disease has led to important advances in the care of patients with PLCH... View More»